Friday 13 May 2011

12/05/2011 Perranaworthal wood

Weather: Blue skies, and occasional cloud with sunshine in between.
Temp: 14oc
Wind: 12 mph

I stumbled upon this woodland area scattered with bluebells. What a lovely sight it was.
Location: Between Penryn and Perranaworthal.

Brough a Hassleblad medium format camera with me to photograph a chosen area of this woodland.

I was surrounded my a range of different species. (see bellow for images and names)

Blushing waxcap Hygroybe ovina
Yellow feildcap Bolbitius titubans
Garden snail Helix aspersa
Blue bells and Spider Hyacinthnoide and Araneus diadenatus
Lichen Parmelia caperata

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