Friday 13 May 2011

15/01/2011 Loe Pool/ Bar

National Trust.
It is separated from the sea by the single bank of Loe Bar, situated midway between Porthleven and Gunwalloe.
Walked around 6 miles around Loe pool itself, home to a miriad of habitats such as sand dunes, marshlands, grassland, heathland, woodland and the pond itself.
Walked to Loe bar, and the swell was pretty high. Rough huge waves crashing down.

Weather: Mild, Grey and overcast.

Sightings of common water fowl: Mute swan, herron, herring guls.
Observations: Scarse amount of plants and flowers, saw some shoots and afew different species of mushroom and fungi:
Common earthball,
Scarlet cup (Sarcoscypha coccinca)
King alfred's cake (Dadinia concentria)

King Alfred's cake Daldinia concentria

Scarlet cup Sarcoscypha coccinca

Loe bar

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